Jan 8, 2009. Have a name for the Cricket/Graybee/Lightfoot
It just came out, TinkerButton. That should be interesting when we take her
to the vet. She does have the brown splotches on her chest and foot.
When she looks at you, you get the feeling she is intensely studying you.
Friday, Jan 23, 2009. We took Mama in for exam and shots.
Mama went wild. Climbed the walls and almost got through the ceiling tiles 8 feet up. Vet came in and
managed to capture Mama in a towel, wrapped her up simulating a cat in the womb and Mama mellowed out
big time. Vet also said, "You've got 3 females that could go into heat at any time and a male who could
mature early. Let's get them in Monday before a disaster happens.
Monday, Jan 26, 2009. Three spays and a Neuter
We rounded up the whole gang for a new experience. A trip to the vet. Not something even the most
docile of cats like. And when you cage one cat it tells the rest, "Run and flee, they be trying to eat ye."
It was a battle between the humans who know best and the cats. Not fun but once it was done it was done.
Within a few days, all were back to normal.