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  • NextDoor.com

    This sites only goal is to provide your curent information to identity thieves. There is NO customer support.

    NextDoor's primary business model is to provide identity thieves with current information. Unlike Facebook which allows people and businesses the ability to create internet alaises and fake IDs, Nextdoor's mission is to provide marketers and identity thieves with with your current credentials no questions asked.

    Nextdoor does not screen their admins and allows them to run each city area as their own banana republic. Often city council members have full control over Nextdoor content and censorship.

    Nextdoor admins have full authority to terminate users who do not tow their political line. That seems odd because generally an internet company wants as many users as possible for advertising. Nextdoor.com however lets their admins terminate users and city addresses that do not promote their political agendas.

    Many Nextdoor.com user have have fallen victims to identity theft. That is because Nextdoor policy can require you to provide drivers license, SSN and credit card information to 'verify' your admission to their site. They sell this information to hackers in India and Russia because your identity is valuable to hackers and thieves.

    If you are smart you will not use Nextdoor.com. When they ban you and lock you out for not providing the info required for the theft of you identity, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

    <li>CNN alows Dick Cheny to lie some more (10/20/13)<br><br> Cheney total rewrites history and CNN is so stupid they wont refute it. Well, we all know if you are on CNN, you are probaby as useful as a wet rag.<br><br> CNN allowed Dick Cheney to lie through his teeth again.<br><br> Cheney claimed he never wanted or asked to be Vice president. Fact is, Cheney was hired to find a Vice and told Bush he was the only one who anted the job. Sanjay Gupta was too stupid to figure this out.<br><br> Cheney claimed he, not Bush was elected in 2000. Well we all now know that in 2000, the Bush/Cheney ticket lost in Florida. The Supreme Court decided that election and if any jerkwad out there wants to claim they they adore the constitution well then they should read it a little closer because the US Consitution forbids the Supreme Court from deciding election results. <br><br> The Shirhead Repugs should remember this. <hr> <li>Jonathan Beyer Longneck Banjos (09/20/13)<br><br> Bought one of these "High-End" banjos from this guy in Washington, longneckbanjo.com and was it ever a piece of garbage. This thing came out looking like someone built it in shop class and flunked. <li>Whole Foods doesn't want you healthy (08/15/09)<br><br> John Mackey, CEO. Pay - $millions<br> You can analyze his post-rhetoric all you want. His bottom line is still, "only the privileged members of society deserve healthcare". So if you lost your job and your healthcare in the process it is not your right to have healthcare? No longer are you among the privileged who have a means to afford it. <br><br> BOYCOTT WHOLE FOODS. That's what I do. <br><br> We need a new healthcare system if the US is ever to move from 37th in the world back to the top. Why is it that 50 other countries have higher cancer survivor rates for half the expense? Because Americans are gullible. How can this country succeed when the Gods who control the media and the money can convince the stupid masses through FOX that the people who have been ripping them off for 30 years are better than anything else? The US can find $1 trillion to fund wars but can't rebuild a bridge, feed a person or provide a non-emergency doctor visit. Meanwhile, Bill McGuire, CEO of United Healthcare, recieved a salary of $1.7 billion for 5 years of work. That's where your healthcare premiums are really going. <hr> <li>Saw the President's town hall in Grand Junction Coloroado. (08/15/09)<br><br> He did a good job of getting his message out.<br> Afterwards they let a Dem and a Repug argue the issue. (Note that the probably highly paid Repug shill was black. It's the Repug M.O. these days to hire black people to do their bidding even though most Repugs still believe to this day that black people should be cleaning thier toilets.) Anyway, the shill claimed that 8 out of 9 Americans love their private insurance. Fact is, 1 out of 6 Americans can't even get insurance. This works in the favor of the Repugs who have for 30 years fought to have basic math skills killed from our school systems. This is simple math. It is no wonder our jobs go overseas because Americans can't even add or subtract or do percentages.<br><br> And there was the shill economics college major jerk who asked how the healthcare providers were going to stay in business if Medicare is expanded. Barack was very guarded on this as he should be. United Healthcare, Cigna and others are controlled by board members that enjoy billion dollar a year salaries. It is nothing for them to give Fox news or Rush Limbaugh a few million to lie to the gullible stupid American public. Their goal is to keep Americans so stupid that they will reject and vote against their own best interests. Look at all the retards in Alabama. These bastards take Grandma out in the pasture and shoot her and bury her in the cow pies. And yet, the Pharma companies have bused in these retards to disrupt town hall meetings. These Repug people are totally sick. They represent everything that is wrong with the U.S. The only reason they get airtime is because the media in the U.S. loves that fact that some Americans who hate America are so stupid. It's all about ratings. Fox and other "Hate America" news sites are suceeding qiute well. Primarily because there are lots of stupid Americans.<br><br> Meanwhile, many of the countries that have socialized medicine have rebutted the attacks that their system is flawed. Just look around. Canada, the UK, Turkey and dozens of other other countries have said that Americans are friggin retards if they believe that their healthcare is in shambles. It may not be perfect but it still works beeter than any American has. End of story. <hr> <li>William McGuire - CEO of United Healthcare (08/04/09)<br><br> His pay - $1.7 billion<br> United Healthcare recently told Congress, "Sure, we cancel the policies of 20,000+ people every year when they become sick or stricken with cancer. So what if they paid their insurance premiums for 20 years? How do you expect our CEO to collect his bonus every year if we actually honor our policy holders? <br><br> And yet, in the USA we've got tons of retards pushed on by Glenn Beck and Rush Lamebo (Hannity, Savage, O'Reilly and others) into thinking that the healthcare they don't have is better than the healthcare they could have. Damn! Are the Sore Losermen Republicans that frigging stupid? Yes they are. And they are proving that all these tea-bagging, birther-euthanasists are f**king retards. <hr> <li>InformationWeek Magazine (05/30/09)<br><br> Information Week Magazine seems to be following in the footsteps of WTN providing an avenue for CEOs and CIOs who have literally destroyed their companies to claim they have done no such thing and they are really supermen and that their companies are "thriving" under their leadership. Media outlets like Information Week are doing the same thing FOX News is,... spinning shit into gold and rarely providing anything truthful. I'd love to mention some of these failures in particular but all tech jobs have a clause in the employment aggreement that basically states, "If we find anything on the web that you posted and we didn't want anyone to know, we'll find a way to fire you, maybe try to sue you, and you waive all rights by condition of employment to sue us back."<br><br> I'm not making this blindly though from my own experience. You can Google some of these other professed Super-CxO's and find that their peers view them as recless disasters with too much power and out of control. <hr> <li>Wisconsin Technical Network or WTN (04/04/09)<br><br> Are you a CEO or CIO who has just destroyed a company? The WTN is glad to give you a great review so that you can land that next big multi-million dollar gig where you get to destroy another company and blame it on the once formerly productive staff. <hr> <li>West Marine, Boating Supply Stores (11/30/08)<br><br> West Marine offers a rewards program. Spend some money and they send you $10 certificates in the mail. I have never been able to cash these in. The clerks are told to give you some excuse like, "Sorry, they didn't come up in the computer during your purchase." Then when you mention the fact that the 'rewards' are about to expire they give you the crap line that, "West Marine honors even honors expired rewards once entered into the system. Just call the main office." The main office just blows you off. Expired is expired. It must be your fault that your "rewards" weren't in their system. <br><br> I will never buy a damn thing from West Marine again. Period. And no one else should either. Their products are over-priced and the customer rewards are a joke. Their buy now and expect savings in the future have never materialized. I've received over $1,000 in savings coupons from them for being a loyal customer in the last ten years. West Marine has not once honored them. <br><br> They are just as scummy as all the other companies that offer post-sale coupon rebates and then refuse to honor them. West Marine will never get my business again. I won't even buy a quart of oil from them. For all I know, they can't even guarantee it is oil. <li>fraudalert.com & newsbusters.com (09/30/08)<br><br> I was looking up the news and Yahoo brought these up. What a couple of hives of deception, idiocy, hatred and bigotry. Apparently, a lot of people with really low IQs visit these sites (just read the comments). Here's a <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRqcfqiXCX0" target="_blank">youtube example </a> of some of these people. I've totally lost all respect for Yahoo. Do they really believe that headlines such as, "No one voted in the 2008 election so Barack could not have won" or "Barack is really an alien from the planet Islamo" is real news? Mr. Yang, please sell Yahoo to Microsoft as soon as possible. <hr> <li>Finallyfast.com (09/12/08)<br><br> This bogus outfit advertises on TV. The ads are bogus as they depict both Macs and PCs but never tell you what OS they run on. The ads are basically, "does your computer look something like those in this series of one second flashes? We need your credit card number now!". Turns out they are really a malware outfit just trying to suck money out of you by stealing your identity and infecting your PC with more garbage. They didn't hack a governor's yahoo email account so the FBI doesn't care much. I hope they don't sucker too many people otherwise the rest of us are going to get a lot more spam. <hr> <li> The Federal Government (08/12/08)<br><br> Yup the Federal Government and the stupid tax laws that have bankrupted this country. The Iraq war is expected to cost $3 trillion. The government is $9 trillion in the hole. America is running on money borrowed from China, Russia, Dubai and elsewhere. And when the U.S. tells another country that they need to improve their humans rights, all they say is, "You want to tell us what to do? Have you forgotten that WE OWN YOUR ASS." We have become the United Corporations of America. A land where the rich and powerful don't have to pay for the infrastructure they use. Bridges falling down, levees breaking. It's really going to hell when our children are going to have to pay for the pound-of-cure because their parents let our corpolovinggovernment squander all the ounce-of-prevention money by not making the rich pay their fair share. <table align=center> <tr><td align=center>Search Engine this if you dare.</td></tr> <tr bgcolor=yellow title="And yet we wonder why the Fed is broke"><td>Two thirds corporations pay no taxes</td></tr> </table> <hr> <li> Frickin' Google Again (07/15/08)<br><br> Anyone notice how Google searches are more and more just bringing up more and more ad pages loaded with spyware, adware and trojans? In most cases one wouldn't notice or be warned. Last night I did a search for automotive emissions testing facilities in my area. Every link that Google brought up had a title that sounded like what I was looking for. But upon clicking those links I was blasted with ads for Viagra, boats, time-shares, dating services, debt consolidation, investment banks, you friggin name it. Some links brought up the notice, "Your browser has blocked 27 pop-ups, 3,123 cookies and 4 program installs from this site". Thank God it did. Those who still use Microsoft Windows, well, you won't see any warnings because by default it doesn't block anything.<br><br> Either way, I'm sick of Google and who it's partners are. <a href="Clock.htm"> Some Alternatives</a> <br><br> <hr> <li> Charter Communications and others (06/17/08)<br><br> They decided to use NebuAd Inc. to spy on their customers.<br><br> Robert Topolski, chief technology consultant for Public Knowledge and Free Press, two Washington-based organizations focused on digital rights found that:<br> "NebuAd exploits several forms of 'attack' on users' and applications' security"<br> A connection tested on WideOpenWest in late May and early June revealed NebuAd's service injects new script into the browser session, preloads identifying cookies and monitors browsing.<br> NebuAd's methods were compared to browser hijacking, cross-site scripting and other forms of computer attacks.<br> NebuAd is engaged in "eavesdropping on the content of Web messages as they are being sent and received."<br><br> Real nice. For millions of internet users, their biggest threat is their own ISP. Every time a spyware or adware program gets popular, the hackers figure out a way to exploit the back doors it creates. <hr> <li> Pixarra Twisted Brush - (06/02/08)<br><br> Seemed like a cool product at first. Tried the demo back before my last Windows machine fried. You know how demos go. You get busy and never really have time to play with it and then you find the demo has expired. The software installs all kinds of crap in Windows that blocks ever trying the demo again. Even if you download it years later. Pixarra's policy is this, "You had a few weeks to try it, pay up." So I asked some friends to try it. Demo quit before they had time to really evaluate it.<br><br> Another part of the problem is that during the demo you spend more time downloading and installing it, due to the weekly bug fixes, than you do using it. It's the same today. Every week there's a new release to install that just fixes some things and breaks others. What a pain. Who wants to reinstall the same software every week?<br><br> Another thing. They only do Windows (and on Vista it has problems). When I asked about that the reply was "no one runs anything else." I guess there are a lot of "no ones" out there. Sure, Microsoft still has 90% of the market and is losing 2% to 3% a year in market share. But that 10% that Mac and Linux has equates to millions of potential customers. And when it comes to serious graphic design, many people buy Macs or Suns Unix. <br><br> So between the fact that Pixarra has to be reinstalled every week and the fact that they are too inept to develop their product for platforms that are inherently superior in the graphics design arena, I must conclude that Pixarra is simply not a serious contender, is technically inept in delivering a working product and is only selling what it can, while it can before they go under. <hr> <li> FauX News - Arggghhh (05/26/08)<br><br> I was news-link hopping. Ended up on a piece about Iran again. Went there without looking. (If Iran was doing something I'd want to know.) But as I went through it it was the typical, unknown source A says this and unidentified source B says that. And then suspected unidentified UN offical says Iran is building something using metal and metal can be used to make bad things. An unidentified AP reporter confirms he has the same thoughts as well an unidentified intelligence individual from Germany.<br><br> Therefore, Iran is doing what we alleged Iraq was doing before we blew the hell out of that poor unarmed country and we need to go to war because the retards in the media feed us crap. FOX likes promoting war but they sure as hell don't report on it when it goes bad, turns ugly and reality sets in. <br><br> <hr> <li> Google again (05/19/08)<br><br> Since ARIN.net seems to be down so much I decided to Google "IP lookup" (to find a service that does IP lookups so I could look up the IP address of some spam to determine its origin.) One of the top hits, "ip-lookup.net". Tried it. IP I looked up said Spain and nothing else. The spammer site is registered to no one. Seemed rather incomplete. So I tried looking up "ip-lookup.net" on their own site. NOTHING. Something REALLY fishy here. So I tried some other IP lookup services to look up "ip-lookup.net" and all I could find was that it is registered to someone called "The Dragon" with France as the location. <br> <small>Conclusion: This site that ranks near the top of Google search appears to be hiding it's own identity as well as those of spammers. Either Google is either stupid, or they know they are being used to direct traffic to malcious websites and they either don't care and/or they condone it. </small> <br><br> Time to switch to <a href="http://www.gigablast.com/" target="_blank"> Gigablast </a> or someone else. <br><br> <hr> <li> Office Depot<br><br> Can't believe they are still offerring "$200 off <br> <small>after $15 in instant savings and 3 mail-in rebates" that you'll never get.</small> Check out <a href="htp://rebatereportcard.com" target="_blank"> Rebate Report Card. </a> <br><br> <hr> <li> Yahoo, Facebook, Google, Myspace, Second Life and weather.com<br><br> Need links to malicious websites to infect your computer? These guys will let anyone advertise. They also track their users and sell the info. Security is so poor that they have become a hackers playground. Hardly a week goes by w/o them covering up another data breach. A recent study found that 1 in ten search results in Google led to malicious sites and that's only on the first page of the search results. <br><br> <hr> <li> Best Buy again - $50 price hike<br><br> I was looking at the Best Buy website. Need a new cell phone but I don't want the discount that comes with the required 2-year contract that costs $10 more a month than my current plan.<br><br> Here's an example of the phones I saw. Phone A is valued at $199. But you get a bunch off with a new 2-year plan. Price w/o a plan,... $249.99?<br> $250 for a phone valued at $200? That's not a Best Buy, that's a ripoff.<br><br> <hr> <li> Healthcare USA - RATING: We are screwed<br><br> The only plan you can get for $300 a month has anywhere from $2700 - $5400 deductible. Yet they will will reject you if you admit to having a cold sore and spent $20 in the last 5 years for Blistex. <br><br> Insurance companies would rather have you show up in the ER as an uninsured person because then the hospital gets stuck with the bill.<br><br> It's no wonder health care in the US is so f@#$ed up. Healthcare brokers won't even let healthy people who can pay monthly premiums get insurance.<br><br> They won't even take money from healthy people who have the money to pay?<br><br> The problem is the companies management. The more they run their companies into the ground and destroy their image, the more money they suck out of the company before they jump ship.<br><br> 98,000 people die in the US every year due to medical mistakes. That's like 33 9/11's. Hello?<br><br> Unfortunately, this is the way healthcare is run in the US today. The executives come in. They steal millions of dollars off the top. Then they retire with their riches while most Americans can't even afford dismal insurance plans.<br><br> The only solution is to get rid of the billionaires who are running the healthcare organizations into the ground. It may take a gov't solution. Almost 100,000 lives could be saved each year if the money taken in, was put back into ensuring the highest standards of healthcare. <br><br> <hr> <li> Pixarra.com - RATING: Stuck in legacy Windows mode.<br><br> The company had a pretty decent artists software product, albeit it has been plagued with weekly bug fixes allowing lucky users to download and re-install the product every Sunday. They just can't seem to ever get their code right or stable. But the mentality of the company explains why. Their techs haven't been able to to figure out a compiler for anything except Windows because "No one in the world runs Macs, Unix, Linux or even Windows Vista and they never will!" I think they are just lazy. Every serious graphics program has a Mac version. (Graphics programs that are out of this world have been rocking the Unix world since the days before Macs and Windows ever existed.) But not Pixarra. They came in the game late with an inferior product that has never worked right with even Windows. <br><br> It's Guinea Pig software. After you buy it you may spend more time reinstalling it than using it.<br><br> The product is licensed for specific time periods. But if you upgrade Windows or your PC (and eventually you will want to or have to), your license expires. Sorry folks, no refunds. Better keep that old Windows machine working. They say it works on Windows 95 and 98.<br><br> And if you upgrade to a Mac, Linux or Unix machine, you'll find a plethora of superior software options that just blows Pixarra away.<br><br> And hell. Go to the Pixarra forums. Those people can't even spell words or use English. The most pathetic and illiterate bunch of product users I've ever seen. Pixarra is nothing more the software by losers for losers. Check it out. Frigging idiots trying to use software from idiots. It's actually pretty funny. Check them out if you need a good laugh. <br><br> <hr> <li> Classmates.com - RATING: What a waste.<br><br> This site is still a joke after all these years. Poor design and slow. Ninety nine percent of those listed are NOT active members so even if you pony up the money for their ever increasing subscription prices the odds of contacting anyone are pretty low. <br><br> Limited teaser info until you pay. Many restrictions when trying to contact others. <br><br> I get classmates emails all the time. "Someone visited your profile. Want to know who? That'll be $40 on your credit card please." <br><br> Tried it for a year. Big waste of time and money. Just keeps getting worse. I check it out once in a great while. The site gets more dysfunctional all the time. Their webmasters seem to be getting dumber keeping in line with the company heads. Normally, I just delete their weekly spam. <br><br> <hr> <li> Staples Stupid Web Tricks<br><br> I go to the staples.com website and it tells me I don't have cookies enabled. Well duh. Would be kind of dumb to accept all cookies without question. <br><br> They do have a nice procedure for you to follow to accept their cookies. But the procedure is so dumb that it only covers toggling your system as all or none in the cookie filtering game. Either totally open or totally closed. <br><br> Shame on Staples. Anyone knows that the best security is having the option of filtering cookies. It is easy to tell your Cookie Monitor that it can accept cookies from Staples. So why is Staples basically telling everyone to lower ALL security just to use their site? Probably because they want all of their advertisers to have access to your computer as well. <br><br> <hr> <li> AOL at it again<br><br> With SPAM becoming a bigger problem all the time and Congress's U-CAN-SPAM Act we are getting screwed. The big ISPs are blocking email from other ISPs and all they have to do is claim they are fighting spam.<br><br> But really, all they are doing is trying to force everyone into buying their services or they aren't going to allow the masses to email anyone who is not on some monopolies network.<br><br> No one likes SPAM. AOL figures if they block most of your email, they can say they are protecting you from SPAM. The less email they deliver, the more spam they think they are blocking. That's because AOL and many ISPs are too stupid to figure out how to deal with real spam. They buy cheap junk spam filtering software that does not work. Then they blame it on their customers.<br><br> Back to AOL. If you want to be sure that you can receive email from your non-AOL customer friends, then you need to dump AOL and get another ISP. The likelihood that you are going to get all of your friends to subscribe to AOL just so they can send you email is nil. <br><br> <hr> <li> McAfee Anti-virus.<br><br> Oh, we run the latest and greatest at work. We run McAfee and it ties up our workstations daily doing updates. We are Sooooo protected. Like Homeland Security.<br><br> Virus comes out. Knocks out 9000 of our servers. They are not saying how many workstations yet because they don't know.<br> Turns out this virus is over a year and a half old. McAfee DID NOT PROTECT US from a virus almost two years old. Seems to me there is a gross failure somewhere in their product. They are as bad as Norton.<br> <br><br> <hr> <li> MATCH.COM radio advertising<br><br> Claim 1. 15 million reasons to join because they have 15 million members.<br> Yes, you would have 15 million reasons if you didn't care whether or not the person you seek is male, female, old, young, gay, bi, married, single, swinger, active, slouch, smoker, drug user or whatever.<br><br> Claim 2. They have Dr. Phil (who is not really a doctor) working for them.<br> He says stuff like "Hello, love is not like the pizza man going door to door." (Well Duhhhh) <br> "Don't, SAY,... DO! You've got to create the person you want." And some ditz says, "Oh Dr. Phil, I thought you'd say that." The last entity that I know of that that was able to "create" a human being hasn't done so in 6000 years. And by looking around I'd say that experiment didn't work out so well. But Dr. Phil says you can MAKE the person you want if you join match.com. <br><br> <hr> <li> Microsoft recently said that Godaddy.com switched millions of their domains to Microsoft from Linux.<br> GoDaddy - Recently moved millions of "parked" domains to Windows servers from Linux servers as a paid PR stunt for Microsoft.<br><br> "Parked" domains then became ad sites loaded with viruses, trojans, worms and all kinds of other malicious software.<br><br> But hey, if you are going to distribute malicious malware on the net, what better platform than Microsoft?<br><br> <hr> <li> Sony Music - You don't want to play their CDs on your computer. They may load malicious software that will slow down, disable hardware or hang your system. A lot of people buy Sony stuff as a trusted brand. But the spyware and malware they are giving out as a bonus is highly sophisticated and is an abuse of that trust. You can delete spam and suspicious emails, try to avoid nefarious websites, but most would never suspect that plugging a music CD into your PC could really screw it up and be almost impossible to fix.<br><br> <hr> <li> Epson and Lexmark. They are busy trying to sue everyone who manufactures budget replacement ink cartridges that will work in their printers. This is like buying a Ford and being told that from now on you can only buy high-priced Ford tires for it. If you don't, the car automatically refuses to start.<br> <hr> <li> Epson and HP. They put an expiration code on your ink cartridge. No matter how much ink is left, their printers refuse to work until you buy NEW ink cartridges.<br> <hr> <li> Turbo-Tax - We know who you are in cahoots with. You buy Turbo-Tax. It asks you if you want to import data from Quicken. Well sure. Next it tells you that Quicken has a newer version for sale. You must buy it if you wish to continue. They are more than happy to lead you to a credit card transaction when all you want to do is your taxes. Yup, ya have to buy Turbo-Tax every year to use it. And they love the kickback they get when they force you to buy the updates to other vendors software.<br> <hr> <li> Circuit City, CompUSA and Best Buy. Who else will sell you an Epson or HP printer that dies within weeks of usage and refuse to take it back?<br> <hr> <li> Circuit City and CompUSA. Can't you sell anything without a dozen mail-in rebates? It's great for the state. You pay sales taxes on the full price and you don't get those back in the rebate scheme.<br> <hr> <li> Norton - their crap breaks. They tell you to BUY the upgrade. Still kills your PC performance. Buy it again if you want support. You'll be lucky if you get 3 months before auto-update breaks even though you paid for a year of support. "Oh you subscribed for a year? You should have read the fine print in the EULA. It's your fault for failing to realize we can diasble the product any time we choose and make you pay for it again before it will work."<br> <hr> <li> HP and Compaq - You get to spend endless hours learning to speak Hindu. You never get your purchase rebate, and you never get any support after your purchase. "Carly Fiorina, the last CEO, gave herself a $10 million bonus. We have our priorities and as a customer, you are pretty damn low on the totem pole." Every product line is total crap.<br> <hr> <li> Epson - They don't want to talk to you. They know their products are crap. All they care about is that they got your money. They advertise their DuraBright inks while never mentioning their Dura-Broken printer product line. Their printers are total crap.<br> <hr> <li> Microsoft - Our software broke your machine. But hey, we do have fee based support. Why? The more fixes you download, the more security holes we incorporate.<br> <hr> <li> AOL - How did you get our support number? It isn't published ANYWHERE. We DO NOT have customer support after we take your money.<br> <hr> <li> Earthlink - Just keep calling and waiting on hold for hours. Someday you might get through. But we will offer you a better deal if you call to cancel our service.<br> <hr> <li> McAfee - Thanks for your credit card number. You should have known that we'd charge for anticipated upgrades and given it to others who will pay us when they charge you for software + you never agreed to purchase. Or buy it from the store and get the "I can't register it or get updates version". Then you get NO support unless you pay for the call, wait hours on hold only to be told that you have to buy additional support if you want to get your store-bought off-the-shelf version to work.<br> <hr> <li> SpyHunter - We've paid Yahoo, Google and other search engines to direct you to our sites which make you think you are getting an anit-spyware product. Then the product doesn't do anything without an internet connection and a credit card number. If you read the disclaimer, they get to keep your money even after you were duped. And then you discover that SpyHunter actually installs more spyware.<br><br> <hr> <li> Quicken and Quick Books - We just came out with a new release that doesn't support your old release(s). Re-purchase and install our new garbage/package. If it doesn't work, keep buying more and hope it eventually does. Oh darn, your bank upgraded Quicken. Now you have to buy the newest version too since the one you bought 3 months ago is no longer compatible. Want to use it with this years Turbo-Tax? Every year TurboTax forces you to upgrade because they get a kickback from Intuit. <br> <hr> <li> Circuit City and CompUSA. Shell out the full price. $4 postage, 4 hours of filling out rebate forms, days of follow-up and headaches when the rebates don't show up. That's what ya gotta do to get something 'On Sale'. In other words, "Your precious time doesn't mean squat!" And by the way, once they got your credit card number, they gave it to Earthlink or AOL. Without your knowledge (until your next credit card statement arrives) you were signed up for a service you never wanted.<br> <hr> <li> thelist.com - RATING: PURE SCAM<br><br> They advertise others domain names as ISPs even though they are not ISPs. <br><br> Then they sell them to spammers. <br><br> thelist is nothing but a another scam site. They pass off ordinary domains as ISPs.<br><br> They hide under the guise of internet.com and jupitermedia.com. Why the false advertising? I can only guess it is a nefarious attempt to profit from spam, identity theft, phishing and other internet scams.<br><br> <hr> <li> Gateway - They went downhill after their initial start. Then they bought emachines which sent out a lot of bad power supplies and motherboards. Update 10/2007: Sold to MPC Corp. which has taken a big hit in stock market ever since. </ul> <hr> <p align=center><font color=yellow size=4><a href="#top"><b> Return to TOP </b></a></font></p> </td></tr> </table> <center><form><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="BACK" onClick="history.go(-1)"></form><td></center> <center><a href="index.htm"><img src="images/home.gif" border="0"></a></center> <p><font color="#112233" size="1" face="Bookman Old Style"></font> <!-- <img src="/bin/counter.cgi?ft=6&amp;frgb=336699|df=www.e-mendation.com" align="absmiddle" border="0"></p> --> <img src="http://toolbox.omnis.com/bin/counter.cgi?df=www.saildance.net.view.count" align=absmiddle></p> </body> </html>