Driving between LA and Yuma - Some interesting scenes

Even boulders off in the distance  take up more of the photo than cars that are closer. Sailhop Contents Page
  • On the 27th of Feb we drove down to Yuma to surprise my folks on the 28th (their 50th anniversary). Followed rain most of the way to San Diego. East of SD we were in rain and fog until we hit the rock piles (reminds me of a range of moraines). At that point we encountered 90 mph winds and it was dry as a bone. Sand storms were visible in the distance. Once we got down to the flats the tail wind pretty much pushed us the rest of the way to Yuma. The shadows of a few clouds passed us easily on the highway. According to the GPS we were 100 feet below sea level.

    Then we got to the sand dunes. Sand was blowing everywhere. Surprisingly, there were people scattered hither and yon in their motor homes. I guess they just find a place to park during the winter and they don't care what it's like just as long as they are somewhere that doesn't get cold. I was told there are trucks kind of like the roach coaches that drive out there selling water and groceries. Cheap way to live I guess. I guess they don't worry about being so close to the Mexican border. The land is pretty desolated and unforgiving and I would imagine it's not a good place to try to cross until one was willing to die trying. Then again, are those lone campers in with the Coyotes? Or maybe they are there as part of the Minutemen? Who knows. I wouldn't want to live out there.

    Luckily we had hotel reservations. This time of year it is damn near impossible to get a room in Yuma. A lot of people stay in Yuma and then go into Algodones Mexico for their medical and dental care. At least that is what I was told.

    We had a great time with the folks and it was a really big surprise. It was a lot of fun even though there was wind, it was cool and so dry that your skin looks like it is getting sunburned. Lots of family and friends of theirs from all over North America.

    On the last day we were having breakfast at the hotel. We first met a couple from Canada. They were there for the winter. Then a lady from San Fran joined us. According to her card she plans parties and events for the stars and big wigs. She looked pretty much Hollywood. She was down there for some dental work. Going to Mexico was going to save her 5 or 6 grand.

    Then we went out to see Teddy Roosevelt's Colorado River water diversion project. A lot of water going every where in the middle of a desert. It is used to water the date farm we visited and many other agricultural oasis that have sprung up. The last trickles of water from the Colorado River end up in the Salton Sea or go to Mexico. And that isn't enough to sustain either. (Kind of scary to think about. After all, we need water more than we need oil. Henry Kaiser and Teddy Roosevelt foresaw that need more than 50 years ago. And we've done nothing since. Now we are running out of it and nothing has been done since.)

    West of El Centro the Blue Angels were practicing at the Navel Reserve Reservation. Pulled over at a rest stop and watched them for a while. Hey, free show. (A week later, the Blue Angels lost a plane and its pilot in an airshow mishap.)

    On the way back, the area we were getting rained on the way there, still had snow on the ground. We must've just missed it.

    The wind mills at Tecate Ridge are awesome. Each tower is as tall as a 20 story building. Each bladed is 136 feet. Their upward reach is over 300 feet. There are 25 of them but I could only get around 20 or 21 in the pic.

    North of San Diego the drive was uneventful. Then we got to Point Dume and cut over to Laguna Beach to catch the sunset over Catalina.

    It was dark after that so we just followed Pacific Cost Highway back to the South Bay where we were just glad to be home.

Any ideas???