Weekends in Los Padres Contents Page

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"Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore."
Let's see. Where to begin? I guess the first thing was to set up camp.
Ah, but now we're hungry. So we head into Solvang for our planned 'Winemaker Dinner'. Something to wet the pallet, filet mingon and desserts to die for. Our host found us a great spot at the New Danish Inn. After dinner it was time to go back to the campground, stoke up the fire and break out the guitars. Sorry folks, no campfire jam pics or soundbytes. Musicians will not put down their instruments to pick up a camera and the guy from the record company couldn't make it due to problems with their studio equipment vans (OK the latter is just hypothetical :-) .
After a night of jamming with other musicians it was time to start another day and explore Solvang a little more.
An antique shop with a name that the emendators would love.
Kept seeing shadows across the ground. Big birds. So I had to try my luck with the camera.
View of the bridge from Stagecoach Road. Click on any section to put it together.

Click on me to put me together
Click on me to put me together

Click on me to put me together